News from a parallel universe 15-Oct

MaCDucks decides to take it to court MackDucks has decided yesterday to take the recent case to court instead of paying settlment money to Miss Bigasston.The story started when Bigasston sued MackDucks asking for 21 million dollors as a setllement for getting fat from eating burgers at their restaurant.Although the company has confessed that it's food might be the reason for weight gain,it has also refused to sellte on the count that it does not take 21 million dollors to get Bigasston back in shape. "Deed for Speed" the Game Soky has announced the release of its new "Deed for speed" game on pez5 only.The game displays the story of a man with a very bad car and his life dream of getting a speeding ticket which he gets at the end of the game with the help of several friends including a police officer (Spoiller alert) who just gave up at the end and gave the guy the speeding ticket as a gift.The fact that pez5 game console costs 1000$ and plays black/white games o...