Induction to reality (part 1)

Part 1:Random thoughts about women and love.

Terrorist Vs A Normal Girlfriend

A Girlfriend:Will slowly torture you,drain your energy,tries to end your life,and if you survived she will talk you into insanity where you will kill yourself.
Terrorist:Will end your life once, and you might even survive it.
Terrorist : 1 GF:0

Terrorist:Have a higher purpose of performing his act.
A Girlfriend:Will do it for the fun of it.
Terrorist : 2 GF:0

Terrorist:You get defended by the whole world.
A Girlfriend:You have to defend yourself alone.
Terrorist : 3 GF:0

Terrorist:You may meet once in your life,normally you may never meet.
A Girlfriend:You will meet all the time,and you can't get away from her.
Terrorist : 4 GF:0

A Girlfriend:You may have a nice conversation with,and also you can have irritating ones.
Terrorist:You two understand each others without saying a word.
Terrorist : 5 GF:0

A Terrorist : Will get punished, may share your death.
A Girlfriend: Will always get away with it.
Terrorist : 6 GF:0

A Girlfriend will get her money from you, and use it against you.
A Terrorist will get his money from someone else.
Terrorist : 7 GF:0

A Girlfriend:Your relation is exclusive.
Terrorist:You can always see other terrorists without problems.
Terrorist : 8 GF:0

In Short , you are better of having a nice encounter with a terrorist rather than having a girlfriend.

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