The Scary Monster under your bed. (HIT WELL OR DIE TRYING)

Warning:I can not be held responsible to your actions after you read this….warning may damage your health.

We all know the story, and fears some of face imagined during our childhood of a scary real monster under our beds ..
Then time passes by, we realization reality, and we lose this belief and we think we are now all grown ups. Are we really ??
This idea is hunting us all the time, there is no way out guys.

A Child:
A monster under my bed , or hiding in the closet. Mom/Dad reassure him, problem solved.

A Teenager:
Now he is worried about which collage he is going to join.
No one to help him out.

A Single Adult:
The monster gains the ability to reform himself..
Can come in several forms as the job monster, the age monster, the die alone monster..

An Adult in a relationship:
Similar to a single adult , but the boss of all monsters, the Marriage monster is now taking the lead.

A Married adult:
The marriage monster transforms to the children monsters + death monster.
And sometimes the monster turns to real flesh and blood , if you are cheating on your wife . (Hiding the mistress)

Turns out , the only way to get rid of him , is to get brain damage, let us compare facing life Vs Brain damage:

Facing life: You have to get a job.
Brain damage: Someone else has to get a job, you just enjoy life.

Facing life: You can fight with someone and go to jail.
Brain damage: You can kick someone, fight with them and even blame them at the end.

Facing life: You have a 50/50 chance wining in sports/games.
Brain damage: You will always win.

Facing life: You will suffer taking care of yourself, your wife, then your children, and then you will be begging for someone to take care of you.
Brain damage: You will be taken care of, no worries.

Okay, sounds that brain damage is better than going on a fancy vacation, and even lasts longer and costs less !!

Not to leave you wondering how to get brain damage, here is my top 5 ways:
5) Try to calculate the odds of going to heaven.
4) Hit yourself in the head. If you are afraid to do it, go to your wife in the kitchen , taste the food she is making then ask her: what are we having for dinner?
3) Join any of the running revolutions.
2) Watch the news for 3 hours a day for a week.
1) Become the president of a country and wait to get hit with a shoes, just don't try to dodge it.


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