Business News 17-Oct

Nokta Seamen & Appie
Ps:Nokta = Joke in arabic language
In a strategic move by "Nokta Seamen" to face their powerful competitor "Alcoten-Lotent" ,the company contracted with Appie to have Appie new UPhone execlusively for Nokta Seamen's operated GSM networks.
On asking Mr.Smith Gran the executive dierctor of Notka.
US:What do you expect from your recent move to have UPhone as a partner ?
Smith:We expect nothing less that reaching our target market share of 2.3%.
US:What is the company current market share!
Smith:It is 26.8%.
US:So , you are looking to decrease your market share?
Smith:Strangely YES, according to the recent business researchs, less market share lowers the cost but on the other hand we will be like an "Execlusive club" where we can raise the prices as much as we want.
US:But won't your deal with Appie increase your market share instead?
Smith:On the contorary,Uphone is one of the worst cell-phones ever, also the deal goes both way,meaning Uphone will not work unless it is on Nokta networks and Nokta networks will not work with any other phone than UPhone.
US:So anyone GSM network operator should in business with Nokta should announce to its customer to change to Uphone ?
Smith:It is part of the deal,any operator we have business with is going to change all his subscriber's cell-phones to Uphone free of charge.
US:How were you able to convince major operators to go for such a strong strategic move?
Smith:I didn't face as much heat as i was expecting,i just had to represent the new research done by Dr. Iwaskidin Upurs.
US:But isn't most of the operator's revenue is drived by market share which is based on their prices ?
US: ?!
Smith:Execuse me, i have to make a phone call.

On a related news, Mobitil,Zeiz and Dueto GSM network operators are sueing Nokta for its recent action which has caused all 4 companies' stocks to drop 40%.On the other hand VodaTone decided not to sue based on the Arabic fact that "what will the wind take from the tiles ! ".

Swine Flu affects saving funds.
It was noticed that after 6 month of the financial crises getting better,it started to get worth again.The experts first impression was that it is a normal financial slope,specially after the recent change of the TSA presedent.Unfortunitly that was not true,and the actual cause was found to be that the piggy banks started sneezing money after being hit by the swine flu.

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