The hourly news 10:15 pm

General Bicycles new beast.
GB has surprised everyone yesterday in it's annual celibration when it revealed it's new car.Although the company has been facing a lot of difficulties the last couple of years,the remaining 5 employees has managed to produce a car with amazing features that they called it the beast.The car can go up to 320 mph and of 400 hp.One of the news writer asked the designer "how come the car looks like sh*t ! " .The car designer simply replied "Since GB cares for it's customers,the new car shape is designed to eliminat the need to wash the car at all,which reduces the running cost.It is also designed so that no one will envy the car owners.At the end, it is safty what matters most when we design cars."
The Figral Army tries new weaspons.
Tomorrow the Figral army will start trying the new imported weapons from North-South Russtina.A trusted source has revealed that the new weapons are of biological nature.The weapons may include:bebe guns,Paintball guns and kites.In a related news, the Figral army had an agreement yesterday with a diaper provider in case of any accidents using the new weapons.
"Lord of the bracelets: The 2 buildings" released.
After 25 days of hard work,the new movie of the series lord of the bracelets is released.The movie has mad a profit of 31 millions in 2 days.According we had to (forced) to interview the movie director/producer/hero "Boykid GreenEyes".
US:Why did you choose bracelets ,and buildings?
Boykid:That is a very common question,yes we could have chosen rings,or even hairpiece.But the fact that bracelets make sounds when you moved was very appealing to us.beside rings has been used before in "King Solomon's Rings".
The buildings are more generic than say houses or towers, this adds a little mystrey to the movie.
US:Don't you think that the hero of the story is to young for such epic battles?
Boykid:The hero of the story is not as young as everyone thinks he is.He looks young but he is actuallly 12 years old.
US:When do you expect the new movie is going to be released?
Boykid:Having worked for almost 1 month,and only got 15 million dollars out of the profit,i am still thinking if i should release another movie or not.Incase , the next movie is going to be after my 2 years vacation.