News from a parallel universe

Iraca border is secured

The Iraca's army has announced today that its north border is now secured after building the G-fence has been completed.The fence was built by the ORATCOM construction.The fence took 5000 man hours and used the latest technology in the field of constructions and Bio-killing technologies.
The Iraca's army spoke commented:
"As you can see,The fence was built out of wood that was planted directly into the hard rocks of the desert.As you know wood does not get rusty , you can not melt it with fire,and it has also facilitated electricuting the fence since it is an isolating material.We have also made a 2 meter hole just after the fence, so anyone who can get through it will meet his death."
On a related news , the TSA army has decided to start its attack on Iraca from the North border. releases its Kandle.
Amazoz has released Kandle yesterday,which is said to be the top technology in book industry.Kandle -Called the wireless is a new device that readers can use to download the latest books.The Kandle package includes:Kandle,a "Harry Butter" ebook and a magnifying glass.The product sold out in 2 hours,all the Kandles was sold to the "save a tree" foundation in hope of supporting saving environment,however the Kandle comes with 10 manuals in different languages/1524 pages each.

Chris Cevaldo still supports "StickMan United"
Although Chris have left Stick and went to play for "Unreal Madred",the young hero still supports his old team.Chris has said "You can take Chris out of United, but you can not take the Stick out of Chris"

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