We are a crippled generation !

I am talking about age 25-30 years.
Let me start by saying , this is my opinion and not facts.

We are a generation of men and women , who were raised on fast food and sitcoms.. need more to say ?
Okay, there are few people was raised in a different way, but if you are reading this article and age between 25 and 30, chances are you are one of us.
I will not start by saying it is conspiracy, but let me tell you some stuff you already know. Among our generation, the famous rich people we know are ones who got there by creating facebook,themilliondollarpage, and torrent sites,by acting ,singing or playing a sport. The average BMI (body mass index) is above 30 , and I pet 80% of internet users have searches a get rich quick ideas or work from home.

We hold on to our dreams of becoming rich, that one day, just maybe, you will get the luck to win the lottary at your bank,or you will get an amazing idea that will get you there.May happen, but did you actually try to think about an amazing idea to get you there ? Do you even have a bank acound that is drafted for lottary ?
We try to build friendship by getting into hoppies we enjoy to see people do,not the ones we enjoy,so we end up with a bike that we never use.
We promise ourselves this will be the last non-diet meal we eat this weak, and we order the double cheese burger the next day.
We have an excerise machine of some kind sitting under the bed, or in one room, that the spiders at your house have a better use for it than you do.
We still like cartoon… , we are white haried men/women (if we are lucky not be bold) bugs bunny watchers.
We believe every thing we read,see,or hear… unless it is from someone we know . Yes, if you know the person telling you the news, you may have doubts, but if you are reading or watching the news, it is a fact to you !
Discovery channels, and similar ones, became the most education we may get .if you are studying for a degree, you are doing so to get a promotion and not to get the knowledge,and we would change the channel if it doesn't include tricks,animals or cars.
We worry so much about what we are going to eat and wear more than we worry about what will happen after we die.(Regardless of what you believe will happen).
We get sick quickly , we get well slow.

It is time to dig take another look, so I will go through a day of a normal 28 years old person (and no I am not 28 years old) assuming he is an engineer :
===========Boaring stuff , you can skip to the below============
-Wake up at 07:00 am. To hit the snooze.
-Wake up at 07:15 am, to hit the snooze again.
-Wake up at 07:30 am freaking out, because the last time he stopped the alarm instead of snoozing it.
-Go to work at 09:00 am,and makes his own coffee till 10:00 am and start checking his mail , not facebook cause it was blocked at work, then he starts searching for a proxy site so he can check his facebook ,till he gives up at 11:00 .
-Start talking to friends, giving his useless opinion on everything, complain about not being appreciated, then fights with his manager who wanted to assign him a new task that he doesn't like.
-At 12:00 he goes for lunch.
-Starts actual work at 13:00 , and finishes 14:00
-From 14:00 till 18:00 he is answering his mails, then heads home.
-Gets home at 20:00 (Traffic jam), changes his cloth, eats dinner, and it is 22:00 .
-Watches tv and nothing specific, keeps flipping till he realizes there is nothing good on, so he doesn't go to sleep, but starts watching on his PC, or a DVD of an old sitcom or a movie that he probably knows by heart while snacking on everything that comes in sight.
-Go to sleep around 01:00 am , and the cycle repeats itself.
=========You can read from here :) saved you a minute there ======

Sounds familiar, put your glasses on and take a look :
-Less than 7 hours of sleep.
-Snacks, fast food, no exercises.
-Around 10 hours sitting down.
-One to two hours of productive work.

You already know this, and have previously decided to ignore it and did nothing.I won't argue with you, I have done almost the same,just wrote about it,hoping it will give you a little push to do something about it.Noooo, I am just writing for the fun of it.

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